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With so many distractions competing for our attention on this present stage, I approach the making of art through the use of minimal creative integrated resources that meet the demands of the most scrutinizing modern aesthetic sensibilities.


My objective as an artist is to portray life’s intricate realities in a tangible physical space.  But physical reality can many times be seen in its totality more clearly through metaphysical cognitions.  Metaphysical cognition can simply be described as an awareness made within and beyond conscience perceptions. 

My work explores the layered connections that exist between physical things and their intricate relations.  The relationships that arise between material things are not always naturally perceived.  Although all things physically observable exist in physical space there are those perceptions that are no more than assimilation and accommodations to given subjects beyond the subject itself. The brain functions in a broken cubist state of mind.  Human consciousness assimilates pieces of what it perceives and puts them together in a quick personal gestalt or gestured whole.  The processes and the conclusions that arise from the breaking down of these constructed wholes to observe their essence is what interests me most as an artist.


I create for the curiosity and autonomy of the present observer. 

I am interested in assembling and collaging all mediums and am influenced by art history and publishing techniques used in mass communication.

..about​ myART:

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